Friday, September 21, 2012

A Bump on the Road to get Preggers.

Well deciding to have a baby I guess was nice thing to do because I know many people who actually don't get a chance to do that. Let's just say that some couples are fortunate or unfortunate ( totally a perception) to be parents even before they can say for the first time to their spouses "Happy Anniversary Honey!!". Well in my perception (which is important here because it's my blog) is that a child is a blessing whenever and however it comes. So if anyone gets their first anniversary gift as a bundle of joy I feel it is a wonderful thing.

Getting back to Phase 1 of Project Baby... First thing we did was I went to my doctor and got started on a prenatal vitamins. After "trying" for a few months Project Baby didn't seem to be taking off as expected. I started getting worried because me being a little bit (okay more than just a little) of a control freak, I had already secretly planned out the time by which we would be parents. So I couldn't contain my disappointment as to why things weren't happening as planned.  We went to the doctor again and I was told that we need to give it more time and that things would take off when the time is right. However in my mind I was already beginning to think about fertility experts and everything.

Sensing my concern (and I guess impatience too) the doctor suggested that we run a few basic tests just for my satisfaction. Me and AJ went for our tests. Everything was normal with AJ but when they did a scan for me they saw a small complication. Something very common among ladies today. My doctor assured me that since it was just a slight indication and since I have found out early it wouldn't be much of a problem and that I would have to take medicines and it would be just fine. She mentioned that this can be a reason as to why it must be taking us time to conceive, but I was assured there was nothing to worry and things would be perfectly fine.
Having known what the reason for the delay was a relief but what happened in the period after the "diagnosis" put my relief out the window. I would say the person who suffered the most was AJ.... you'll soon see why in my next post.

As a apart of my blog I thought I would give my personal insight and stuff I learnt on all pregnancy related stuff. So you will see a few tips and trivia in further posts.

Tips for when you decide to have a baby

  • Discuss with your spouse about starting a family -Starting a family is a very important decision for a couple because it is a life changing one. So being consciously prepared a new person in the family will definitely help you get through your pregnancy and child birth much easier. There might be a lot of things to consider like even financials. You really ought to know if you can afford to have a baby.

  • Preparing your body - It is good to preparing your body before conceiving. It is the primary responsibility of the mother to keep her health in check. It would be good if you can get to an ideal weight before you conceive. Eating nutritious food and avoiding any sort of alcohol, tobacco or drugs is very important. You should visit your doctor for prenatal vitamins. Many would ask why do you have to start on medicines even before you get pregnant. The baby's neural tube which becomes the brain and spinal cord starts developing in the very first month of pregnancy and most of the time before you even realize you are pregnant so taking these vitamin help prevent neural tube defects. Even men should prepare their bodies before they try to conceive. They must eat healthy and cut down on alcohol and tobacco as this lead to defects in sperm production. Men can find a few more interesting tips in the link.

  • Stay happy and be relaxed- This is the most important thing because a stressful mind equates to stressed out body and it makes it more difficult to perform. So I would suggest meditation to relax yourselves. A good massage. Let all that tension go away. When your making your baby it should be a baby that is made out of the love that both of you have for each other and nothing else should come in between that. No stress from work and other issues. Leave all that behind and just enjoy being with each other. Prayer is also a wonderful way to reconnect with your inner selves during this time.

** Please note these are only opinions and suggestions given from my experience. Please do not take it as advice from an expert in the field of prenatal health.


  1. well i think that having foods rich in folic acid when u planning for a pregnancy is good...cos that's very important for the formation of the neural dark green leafy vegetables, oranges, lentils etc...just a thought!!!
