Thursday, September 13, 2012

Babylogue Initiation

Sitting in my bedroom and just waiting and waiting for the D day I have decided to grace the digital world and all those connected to be bestowed upon by a few words of wisdom, from moi of course!! :D Well rather than just me thinking about the things I think I thought it would be better if I immortalized it on my blog. Well my previous blog wasn't such a  great success because I never could commit to it. Well I hope this time I am more dedicated because its about this special time in my life which I know now will be a very much an extended period of time.

Well I am a soon to be mom waiting for the day my baby arrives. During this time I have been prepping myself for this new phase which I feel is something I've desired my whole life. I know there are a lot of people out there who are waiting for this phase in life and some people who think why do people even do it. This blog might be for both of you. Sharing of my experiences might help you see how amazing a journey it can be and sometimes its not as bad as it seems.... and sometimes maybe it might be as bad as it seems... :D

So here I am about to start my journey with my blog.... which I guess I'd like to call my babylogue (I know its not a real word... but who knows it might be the next word to get into the dictionary)... :)


  1. Love the idea!!!! Good luck di.. Sooo looking forward to reading your posts :)

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  4. Being a mother is one of the most rewarding jobs on earth and also one of the most challenging.It is sometimes difficult to reconcile the fantasy of what you thought motherhood would be like,and what you thought you would be like as a mother,with reality.I realized being a parent wasn't just about bearing a child.It was about bearing witness to its life.It calls for patience and wisdom, skill and unlimited love.
    Many best wishes for the remainder of your pregnancy and the birth of your little bundle of joy!!!!

  5. You're expecting! Mabrouk mabrouk!Best wishes for the months ahead. May all your days be puke-free and your nights be restful. You'd better not get too used to the sleep though. But seriously, congratulations! Wishing you the best from here on out!
    Mariyam Shali
